Saturday, February 21, 2009
Main Event (Games, Putt-putt, & Bowling)
Main Event (Games, Putt-putt, & Bowling)
Main Event (Games, Putt-putt, & Bowling)
Main Event (Games, Putt-putt, & Bowling) Vogue
Main Event (Games, Putt-putt, & Bowling) Accidentally he punched the screen and luckily it did not break.
Main Event (Games, Putt-putt, & Bowling)
I'm a model you know what i too sexy
Chimey's! MMMM.......Ritas...cheese fries snack attack!
Chimey's! MMMM.......Ritas...cheese fries snack attack!
Chimey's! MMMM.......Ritas..texting i wonder who?
Chimey's! MMMM.......Ritas...say what?
Chimey's! MMMM.......Ritas
Chimey's! MMMM.......Ritas
Valentine's Day! The Gas Light
Valentine's Day! The Gas Light
Valentine's Day! The Gas Light
Valentine's Day! Double Nickel
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
My Buggy and Me
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Before First CLC Induction
Before Senate Meeting(CLC)
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Sandy being a Tiger
Living room, before Sandy came
Chinese Blue Steel
Alcohol and chinese garb, pre party

One of my friends came in from Hong Jiu and is staying with us this weekend. We went to the solk market and bought a few things. It was by far the best time I have had in China, I actually worked at one of the shops selling scarfs for 20 minutes. I was able to use my Chinese to ask if I could work there and got a uniform and everything, it was crazy!!!!! I was going up to foreigner and saying I give you good price very cheap and a bunch of other stuff, I acted just like they do, except I was louder. They would hear you nwant scarf and they would just say no, than they would do a double take and be amazed. I would tell them I got caught stealing from them and they said I had to sell scarfs for the next 2 years or they would put me in jail. I would tell them later, that I was of course joking. I love messing with people, it is awesome. They actually sent a news crew to take pictures of me selling stuff in my uniform. Too bad we didn't have a camerea, I well.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Nick and Me

Nick and me returning from a long night, we got back to our apartment at 630 am. We only have one more weekend left in Beijing, we have to make it worth while.
It is a strange feeling when you leave and people are saying good morning to you and offering you breakfast.
Weird Chinese girls
"The Den" during happy hour

We have been going to a bar called "The Den". It shows the Tour de France, and anyone who knows me, knows that is my favorite sporting event ever. I got in about 12 beers during happy hour, and kept going. By the way an American won the Tour again, haha france.
Me after an extremely rough night

This is the pizza place Nick and I frequent. I believe we got in at around 430 from a long night of drinking and went to get pizza after with a huge hangover the next afternoon. That night we went to some odd places, but it was definatly an experience worth remembering, sorry no pictures from that night are avaliable.
Crazy nights in Beijing

Due to popular demand, I have started taking my camerea when I go out. This is me at San li Tun at some random bar.